Monday, October 8, 2012

Mr. Rogers in My Neighborhood

This is my latest special care kitty, Mr. Rogers. We're still not sure if his misshapen face is due entirely to infection, or if there's a tumor in there. It has responded to antibiotics, but he's still lumpy. He's spent the last couple days anxiously prowling a large dog crate, so I finally relented and have given him free run of the Hello Kitty room now that is face isn't draining quite so freely. Oddly, he is still anxiously prowling the perimeter of the room, always clockwise, always hugging the walls, always keeping his eyes straight on the floor in front of him. I fear his eyesight is gone or nearly so even in his good eye. And since he won't go up even the 6" onto the low bed, I'm going to have to figure out a snug comfy place that he can find but won't be an obstacle. But he is eating well and fights getting fluids to the point where I can no longer do it, so he must feel ok! It's sad though, I'll be surprised if he can ultimately be saved. I'm really pretty sure that's a tumor.

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