Friday, November 16, 2012

Could be worse...

I had to repost this from my male co-worker:
Kid at Tesoro "sir umm do you know there's poop in your beard?"
Me "oh, there it is I was wondering why I kept smelling puppy shit"
kid "puppy? Oh thank god!"
Me "could've been worse"
kid "poop on your face isn't worse?"
Me "nope I could be working at Tesoro"
Kid "damn good point"
I love that we keep a sense of humor in these matters. 
In other news, Siouxsie is still in the Hello Kitty room.  Her cold is gone, but her eye infection is still lingering.  She's definitely recovering,  but these infections take a very long time to resolve.  I am very sad that she will not be ready for our day-after-Thanksgiving "Black Friday" event.  I am having to come up with ever more inventive ways to keep her confined to the room without resorting to shutting the whole door, which I hate doing because that room is on the north side of the house, and it gets very dark and cold in there without having some openness to the rest of the house.  
Oh yeah, and remember when I said she keeps herself at a nice trim, healthy body weight?  Well, I lied.  She's plump.  Approaching tubby.  Oh well, at least I know she's happy.