Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hello Kitty Room is Popular

Well, Mr. Rogers, the kitty with the tumor in his face is no longer with me. After a brief rebound where he seemed to be doing better in terms of overall well-being even though he never re-hydrated properly or gained weight, he began to slide back downhill again, reverting to his constant pacing and poor appetite. I really felt that the mass on his face was causing him disorientation and pain. He had two weeks of safety and warmth, food and medication, but he never found the comfort and relief from pain he deserved. 

After getting the Hello Kitty room cleaned and reset, I'm afraid the it is once again occupied. A previous tenant, Siouxsie Sioux is back. She managed to catch the cold that was going through the shelter, and it hit her hard. She's been on death's door for more than a week, neither eating nor drinking, and I finally couldn't stand it anymore and brought her back to see if it would help. Did it ever! After 10 minutes of prowling around checking out the room, she sat down in front of the water bowl and drank probably 1/2 cup. Then she cuddled and purred with me for a while, visited the litter box, drank some more water, and settled in for a grooming session followed by a nap.

I have no idea what we're going to do with this cat long term. She's simply not cut out to be in the shelter, in terms of either temperament or immune system. She hates other cats and needs to be in a single pet household. She's such a lovely creature, sleek and shiny, and a perfect medium size. She doesn't look anything like the scrawny, scabby, hairless, wreck of a cat that first came to us. Keeps herself at a nice body condition, not too thin or too plump. She's happy and affectionate, perhaps even annoyingly so, if you're used to a more independent pet. Well, ok, she's kind of a mess right now, with runny nose, swollen eyes, poor body condition, and shabby fur from being sick (but she still HAS her fur this time), but give her a week and she'll be good as new, as long as she hits the food bowl the way she did the water. Someone PLEASE adopt this cat! It's no fair to keep bouncing her back and forth between the shelter and an isolated bedroom at my house.

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