Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hello Kitty Room Re-purposing

Fi, the tortie runt in the Zelda litter has finally figured out what dry food is.  Oddly, she still will not eat canned out of a bowl and screams for it to be syringe fed to her.  I'm doing it twice a day, the rest of the time she has to feed herself one way or another!  I have gotten rid of the organ and bench in the Hello Kitty room, and moved the two-story kitten cage in there.  The Zelda kittens are in it, but limited to the top half only until they A) get better about the litter box and B) Fi can be trusted to find the food if she's not tripping over it.

Yesterday another one of Pacman's sisters was found as a stray.  She's in pretty good shape, just a little dehydrated and hungry.  Still, I brought her home to join her brother.  He is still being treated for pneumonia, but I think he's improving a little.  The two of them keep each other company, so they're warm and happy.  He's still eating well, even having to compete for food.  Actually, I think it makes him eat more, like he's scared she'll eat it all and he'll have to go hungry.  All his meds have had the opposite effect on his poop I expected to see.  Poor guy is constipated and I sometimes have to help massage it out.  It's not bad enough that I want to risk giving him yet another medication though.  The two of them got upgraded to the larger cage when the Zelda relocated to the Hello Kitty room.  They are still in my bedroom for the time being for nighttime checks and my peace of mind, but I hope to be able to move them to the HK room soon.

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