Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Raggedy Andy came to us with a pretty nasty face wound.  I was so focused on the open drainage on the side of his face that I didn't even notice his jaw was broken at first.  Sweet cat, super thin.  So we ran him into the vet to have a feeding tube inserted.  When they insert the tube, they snap a quick x-ray to make sure it's placed correctly. What they found on the films surprised them!  Poor Andy had been shot in the head, and had numerous bullet fragments still in there.  So they cleaned out the ones they could get to, and reset his jaw.  Well, without wiring the jaw shut, the reset didn't hold, so he still had a crooked face.  Oh well...

This is Andy all set up in my Hello Kitty room with his feeding tube.  He was a delightful patient and guest, although he never lost his appetite, so he always wanted to eat the food out of the syringe instead of getting it squirted in his tube.  But we had to keep his mouth relatively clean to let it heal.  He was with me for a couple weeks, until he was able to eat sufficiently on his own and the tube could be removed.

After he returned to the shelter for adoption, he was quite a celebrity, and a volunteer favorite.  He was a TERRIBLY messy eater, since that poor jaw never quite worked the way it should.  He also never grew out of the name Raggedy, because he wasn't able to groom himself either.  So, he was a messy, greasy, but oh-so-affectionate kitty who eventually found a tolerant person to adopt him.

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