Friday, August 11, 2006

Update on Stumpy

He's doing great now, playing, eating, demanding cuddles, just like any normal kitten. Only one thing I'm worried about. The stump that he tore open during his tantrum. Everything including the nice padding of tissue and the callous shifted slightly, and now when he stretches that leg out, the skin seems stretched kinda thin over the end of the bone. The other stump is nice and padded at the end of the bone, and the callous is in the right spot. I'm afraid that if we don't move the padding and callous back over the end of the bone, the skin will be too thin there and he won't be able to walk on that stump comfortably, or that it will be more likely to tear the skin. It doesn't seem to be bothering him in the least right now, so it's probably nothing to worry about. I just remember a rottie puppy that somebody abandoned at a park last year. His tail dock had been botched, they cut tail in the middle of a vertebrae instead of in between two, and didn't leave enough skin over the end. The result was that his tail hurt all the time, and we had to re-dock the tail, taking the partial bone out and redistributing the skin. So I'm worried about something similar with the kitten's leg stump.

We really need to come up with a new name for him as well. We've been calling him Ebeneezer, but it really doesn't fit at all. The vet clinic staff suggested Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump. The best I can come up with is Popoki Pe'elua, which is Hawaiian for "caterpillar cat."

Edit:  We eventually settled on PJ, because he looks like he's wearing footie pajamas.

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